challenge is the shit
wassap folkss...
HAHAHA don't mind the picture, it looks like i'm still hung up with christmas vibes LOL.BUT christmas is over... and guess what? 2018 GONNA COME SOON!! i'm quite excited for 2018 to be honest ,cause i know there will be more memories and adventures to come.
So .. talking about new year, i'm pretty sure nowadays peole like to ask ''hey guys, what;s your new year's resolution? frankly saying i haven't plan one yet. But recently i thought of my biggest fears. My biggest fears is horrors and CHALLENGE. I may look like someone who are up to new things, but .. folkss.. i'm actually freaking scared of what people call '' challenge''. I know it may sound coward of me of being like that, but i guess i'm just naturally used to '' being safe''??
well ... that's how i was brought up and yeahh so far my parents haven't really given me any challenge. Cause i know they wanted to protect me while they could, aww isn't that sweet? but trust me, without challenge people can never move forward. I never satisfied of myself tbh. Although some people told me that i have become better, i still find no proof to it and also find no satisfaction. Humans needs challenges to be better . Well me? i'm constantly avoiding challenges. For those who know me, they know that DIE DIE I WILL NEVER EVER TOUCH ROLLER COASTERS AND HAUNTED HOUSE. It's not that i'm scared of height or anything , i just don't know how to handle myself when it comes to those two things. People who at least try to overcome their fears will know how to handle their fears. So yepp my new year's resolution is to accept challenges.HI HORROR MOVIES AND AMUSEMENT PARK!!
ANYWAYS..happy early new year to everyone and WELCOME 2018!!.. I HOPE IT WOULD BE A GREAT YEAR FOR EVERYONE AND until my next blog...bye bye.
oh ya before i say byebye .. please do follow my instagram account @zhaoobellaa for more pictures and more adventures hehe.

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