why judge?

hi guys.. is me again. So this recently i heard lots of rumours going around about people out there who did a botox injection/plastic surgery. basically '' judging'' . nowadays?seriously? even if they did it,i believe it won't hurt anybody?
okay....since few years back then when plastic surgery or botox first introduced by korean singers i believe that we are already being informed are we not? so it's very normal if normal people nowadays wanted to do it as well. Even if you judge, their face will still be the same, it's not like if you judge their face gonna turn back to how it was? it's just funny la. If you can accept kpopers for doing so ,then why judge people who did it? what if those people who do it, have a big reasons /stories behind it? we won't know.
i believe that every people have their own story. But just to note that this blog has no intentions of screwing over or even judge people out there that did beauty surgeon . Frankly saying, i will still respect both decisions . whether to do a beauty surgeon nor keep it natural. As i mentioned before, people have reasons and stories behind their actions. So i stand on my point where i think judgement are not suppose to be there.
okay....since few years back then when plastic surgery or botox first introduced by korean singers i believe that we are already being informed are we not? so it's very normal if normal people nowadays wanted to do it as well. Even if you judge, their face will still be the same, it's not like if you judge their face gonna turn back to how it was? it's just funny la. If you can accept kpopers for doing so ,then why judge people who did it? what if those people who do it, have a big reasons /stories behind it? we won't know.
i believe that every people have their own story. But just to note that this blog has no intentions of screwing over or even judge people out there that did beauty surgeon . Frankly saying, i will still respect both decisions . whether to do a beauty surgeon nor keep it natural. As i mentioned before, people have reasons and stories behind their actions. So i stand on my point where i think judgement are not suppose to be there.
Just to say the truth,there are people that are forced to do surgery while some of them on their own will to go and do it. Some people hate beauty surgery while, some people are okay with it.
Well the thing about keeping natural self is like ,for instance you have a big face and you are insecure of it. Then if you didn't do anything ,your face will still be like that,no change at all. Big and will still be big. But you are natural. While the thing about beauty surgery /botox is that, once you did it,you have your desired face shape, your insecurities will gone.BUT you are no longer natural lor. Not to mention how controversial it is.
Honestly speaking, i really appreciate for those people /blogger who opens up about their beauty secret. Either injections or surgery. By doing so i really feel that people will have less hope and will not think like'" if she can be pretty like this then i can as well ".
But instead they will be conscious about what they actually dealing with. Moreover ,an options is given to their face. Whether they want to stay how they are now or pull the rope and do a change. i mean this is just how i think ,i'm pretty sure different people have different opinions about it.
But instead they will be conscious about what they actually dealing with. Moreover ,an options is given to their face. Whether they want to stay how they are now or pull the rope and do a change. i mean this is just how i think ,i'm pretty sure different people have different opinions about it.
In the end of the day,it's about an acceptance and less judging. People do it, doesn't mean you are forced to do it right?. Unless if you are ,then you can stand out for yourself. why not be open minded and accept what they did. We Humans ,we respect each other not judging each other. An acceptance won't hurt anybody. Judging doesn't make you a better person. It just shows how low you are as a decent human being.
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