My self

Hello everyone!! my name is Narra Bella puteri. This is my first time creating a blog and first time intending to do one. So let’s jump right to my bio shall we?hehe.
I am 20 years old and turning 21 pretty soon. ,my birthday is on the may 20 a 1997 taurus girl. I’m currently studying at malaysia (sunway university) for 2 years since my college days.I’m an Indonesian. And to be frankly honest, I really hooked at my life at malaysia and apparently have a malaysian boyfriend here. Never expect one but it just happens. My life here is completely different from when I was in Indonesia. I guess more freedom and more independence for me.?Moreover my parents are not here with me so I was a bit lonely at first. But throughout the time, I really like malaysia into the point of i am sad to going back to Indonesia. This is funny I know 😂,every friends of mine that study at malaysia always excited when it comes to “holiday”. I guess it’s because my boyfriend is here and I used to the environment and people around here. I have only several indonesian friend here in malaysia and instead, majority of my friends,good friends are malaysian and people from other ethnicity.i don't know but i rarely see an indonesian here tho. But far life kicks in pretty well and i appreciate every people and every thing in my life. Especially for those who always support me when my day is blue. i love them and i wish to have more memories and adventures with them in the future.
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